Anybody who has shopped online has gone through the frustration of trying to return a pink dress that arrived purple, or size eight men’s shoes that came in kids’ size eight.

Global marketplace app “Yeay” solves many of the issues online shoppers deal with by adding a video component to the selling and purchasing process. Sellers can add a video along with written details and prices to allow buyers to properly visualize the product before buying. Sellers worldwide have already taken advantage of this app by promoting new fashion trends and technology.

Sellers can record with or without music on the app or add a video from their own gallery. The user-friendly, free app offers the iMessage app and allows users to communicate easily with one another and follow other profiles for easy access to new products and updates. Various up-and-coming independent designers have been using “Yeay” to promote the latest styles and brands.

So start a new trend yourself and get the app that is changing online shopping globally. Step into 2017 with new styles and innovative technology at reasonable prices.