There are so many online study aids out there, sometimes it’s hard to decide which to use. After lots of trial and error, Quizlet came out the winner. Quizlet not only has a webpage, but an app as well to help with studying on the go when you’re doing that last-minute cramming.
You can search the courses you’re enrolled in and find sets of notecards already created for that specific course at Texas A&M University. That set can be downloaded and added to the folders you created earlier. You can also join a course and gain access to all of the notecard sets available for that course. To create a set of your own, simple click “Create A New Set” under the latest activity tab and set up notecards as you would if they are on paper. It’s that simple.
This app is well-loved and all the updates only improve this easy-to-use and customizable studying tool. As finals approach, this won’t be a bad addition to your app repertoire.