Tired of the typical new Transformers action movie or fifty shades of whatever rom-com? Wishing you could just go back to the good ol’ days? Well go grab your parachute pants from the attic and head on over to downtown Bryan, because boy, are you in for a treat. The Grand Stafford Theater presents (drumroll, please): Cult Classic Night! The theater will be showing a featured movie of the audience’s choosing, filled with nostalgic fun, handpicked for you, and by you.

Come on in, and cozy up in one of Bryan’s most prominent historical entertainment venues. This awesome theater dates back to the early 1910s, and was originally coined the Dixie Theater. Over the years, this theater has hosted hundreds of events, and, in an effort to tailor to the community’s wants and needs, the staff at the historical Grand Stafford Theater developed the Cult Classic Film Series. When asked what is actually considered a cult classic, Cynthia, a manager at the Stafford, simply stated that she and the rest of the staff hope to provide the audience with some bittersweet nostalgia from their past, that they can quote, laugh, and sing along to. Their goal is to keep the vibe fun, weird and comical.

Every month, four “cult classic” film choices are provided for the audience and taken to a vote on the Grand Stafford’s Facebook page. Anyone and everyone is welcomed to both vote and give suggestions for future cult classic options. The winning “classic” is then displayed as a separate event on the Facebook page, detailing all of the necessary information while also providing a link to reserve tickets. The winner of this month’s poll is a quotable, action-packed film that has won the hearts of many: Pulp Fiction!  

These awesome flicks have been premiering since May, and the first two shows even sold out! Whether you grew up with these films or are just seeing them for the first time, come on out to see what it was like “back in the day” and watch some classic films in a theater, the way they were meant to be seen. You can catch good old Pulp Fiction on the big screen of the Stafford on September 17. The historic theater doors will open promptly at 7 p.m. Tickets may be purchased through the Grand Stafford Theater Facebook page.