Nowadays the trend seems to be Do It Yourself, or DIY, better put. But there are just some things we can’t Do As Well As a Machine, or DIAWAM—not so better put.

Make your way down to the Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History before March 9, and you’re sure to learn about a skill that has lasted through centuries and across cultures. Have you ever woven or watched someone weave clothes or a blanket? The museum is featuring an exclusive in-house exhibition, “Weaving-Magic: the Artistry of the Loom.” Weaving looks extremely difficult at first glance, but the weavers will tell you that with a lot of practice, it’s like walking – you don’t even need to think about it.

Dr. Rebecca Ingram, Museum Curator, crafted up this exhibit in collaboration with the Brazos Spinners and Weavers Guild and Intersections Textile Learning Center and Gallery. It’s sure to be an adventure into the international world of spinning and weaving.

The display will highlight the tools and skills weavers have been using since the dawn of time to transform wool, cotton, flax and silk into beautifully woven fabrics. Antique spindles and mid-century home looms will be on display alongside the raw fibers. Of course there will be a hands-on experience with the vertical loom. Visitors can have a go at Navajo-style weaving.

If you haven’t DIY-ed something recently, come out and become a true weaver because there’s a true weaver in all of our hearts.

Check out the Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History website for more info.