Who says New Year’s resolutions have to start in January? Why not start a new trend this fall, and explore the Community Outdoor Yoga sessions at Lake Walk? Bring a yoga mat, some water, and your friends and family for a fun and restful way to engage your mind, body, and soul.

Every Saturday morning from 8 to 9 a.m., weather permitting, Susannah from Sol Yoga teaches vinyasa style yoga to all ages and skill levels, free of charge. Susannah enjoys sharing her skill in quieting the mind paired with intentional movements of the body and believes vinyasa yoga is a discipline which has the power to bring joy. It’s an easy style to catch onto, so it doesn’t matter what skill level you’re at or even if you’ve never tried yoga before. Being outside in the fresh air might even spark more of an interest to incorporate moving and breathing techniques into your daily life.

These days, we’re used to waking up early, rushing to work, staying up late, tending to the family and much more. With all this constant pressure, how often do we take time away from our busy schedules to cultivate calmness? Countless sources tell us that yoga has been found to strengthen the body as well as soothe the mind and spirit. Why not meet some new friends and get in better shape at the same time? If it’s not too far of a stretch, try out the Community Outdoor Yoga sessions at Lake Walk this fall.