There is a time, a place and always a need for a community to band together to lend their hearts and their hands in a joint effort to help someone. There are often times when people come to the rescue of complete strangers. Now is one of those times. Join together at Lupa’s Coffee shop the night of Nov. 10, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., for a concert and art show that will benefit hundreds of people.

Fusion is here. It is a free concert and art show hosted by TAMU Artists, that will feature live performances from local musicians and poets as well as handmade art and goods for sale.

TAMU Artists is an organization that seeks to promote creative expression. They bring together those who have a fond appreciation for art, and encourage them to use their talent and ideas both during and after their time at Texas A&M. TAMU Artists are here to advocate for an environment of change, innovation and creativity.

Fusion is their way of doing just that. All benefits will go directly to Friends of Puerto Rico, a charity that supports individuals and nonprofit organizations based in Puerto Rico that contribute to local art, education and entrepreneurship, all the while stimulating the creation of more jobs and economic development.

Due to the recent disaster, courtesy of Hurricane Maria, a level 5 hurricane that tore apart Puerto Rico, the territory is in desperate need for action. That is where Fusion comes in.

The event is a come and go as you please type of affair. There is no entry fee, no rsvp list. There is only art, music and the people who wish to lend a hand.

There is always a time and a chance to help out someone in need. There is always the opportunity to do more, even if you think it’s the most insignificant thing, because it is the little things that mean the most.

Bring a date, bring your friends, your roommates and your roommates friends. Enjoy a night of music and art at Lupa’s Coffee shop. Enjoy Fusion.