If the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, Messina Hof has good things in store for you! Each month, Messina Hof presents an instructional cooking class for guests to learn how to cook a yummy three-course meal. This month, Chef Glenn Huggins will be instructing attendees on how to produce his personal favorites.

The Vintage House Restaurant in Bryan will host the cooking party on Sunday, Feb. 17 from 1-3 p.m. Worried that you’ll set the place ablaze? Don’t be! Messina Hof has you covered by offering beginner lessons that will teach you the basics of how to take the heat and help you become confident so you can stay in the kitchen. Whether you burn water or are a kitchen connoisseur, the class is a treat, and each guest will receive a complimentary recipe booklet to take home. You will also have a chance to register to win awesome culinary door prizes! Lucky for the class, each dish prepared features a Messina Hof award-winning wine.

Even if you already know your way around a stove top, you’ll still be able to appreciate the plethora of fragrant spices and huge selection of meat cuts, as well as gather information on tools and instructions on how to use them.

Becoming a regular pupil certainly has its perks. If you attend six Messina Hof cooking parties, you’ll not only receive a 10% discount on future cooking classes, but also become an honorary Vintage House sous chef! Attend cooking parties for a whole year and you’ll also receive an official Messina Hof Chef’s Coat. You’ll be able to gain new knowledge that’s sure to impress!

Tickets for the cooking classes start at $69.95 per person. You must be 21 years or older to attend.

For more information on future cooking classes and to purchase tickets, please visit: https://bit.ly/2SbmzWA