It is ironic when a film dubbed as a “disaster film” ends up being an utter disaster. While “Geostorm” does not quite reach that level of disappointment, it fails to live up to its potential, as the Dean Devlin directed film relies too heavily on the special effects and lacks depth in many facets.

After a series of natural disasters, several nations come together to create a satellite system to control climate across the globe, led by architect Jake Lawson (Gerard Butler). After being sacked for not following orders, Lawson leaves the project, only to return three years later when the satellite begins to cause worse weather-related disasters than it was created to prevent. Now, he is tasked with not only fixing the satellite, but also discovering who or what is causing the malfunction.

The film is flawed from the start due to the lackluster script, including corny dialogue and unrealistic situations, even after taking the eccentric plot into consideration. Most of the movie is spent watching characters watch TVs and computer monitors. And, while some characters deliver hilarious one-liners, most of the script centers on unnecessary personal drama that results in zero character development.

“Geostorm” promises global destruction scenes in its trailers, yet those scenes in the film are bland at best. Every shot is up close, with almost no panorama views of wiped out cities. After watching “2012,” where we see Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Washington, D.C. be completely wiped out, it is disappointing to have the chaos limited to a street market in Mumbai and an alleyway in Rio.

We all know that the movie will have a relatively happy ending (name one disaster movie that doesn’t), so watch the trailer on YouTube and save yourself the ticket price.