By Adrianna Zampieri

Whether you’re a Fish or a Super Senior, the first week of classes can be daunting for anyone—and making friends isn’t always easy. Even if it comes naturally for you, it can never hurt to meet some new people, especially if you’re looking for allies in that one class that you may want skip once in a while and need a good-standing note buddy.

If your class is located in a building, let’s say Blocker or Heldenfels for instance, chances are you’re in a room with at least 300 other students. That’s a lot of potential friendships waiting to happen. Arrive to class early and find someone to make nice with. It may seem uncomfortable at first, sitting next to a complete stranger, but you’re both in the same situation. And if they have no interest in talking with you, don’t be discouraged; sit by someone different next time until someone returns the pleasantries.

Next thought, remember that you’re in college: Spend time on campus rather than hibernating in your room. Go hangout at the MSC or work on assignments in the library. Eat your lunch in the dining hall. Participate in REC Center classes. You may overlook these opportunities or even see them as a tad ridiculous, but chance are that you’ll never be alone.

Pro tip: Make sure to put away your phone and take those headphones out of your ears from time to time. If you need to abate your solo life, having distractions won’t help. Pay attention to the person you’re speaking with and engage in the conversation.

Aggieland, and the University in particular, boast more than 1,000 clubs that cater to every kind of interest from reading and hunting, to Quidditch and entomology. There’s something for everyone, and it’s a great way to surround yourself with like-minded people. Many of these clubs will be participating in the MSC Open House on September 6. Stop by for an hour or so to browse the tables, find an organization you’re interested in joining, and maybe make a new friend or two while you’re there.