By Annabeth Reeb

With new and returning students flooding into the city of maroon, it is important to remember the dos and do-nots of Aggieland. College Station transforms from a quiet town to a rowdy city practically overnight when fall comes around. That’s right, its time for Aggie football, cold beer, and the loudest group of fans in the world. Welcome home, Ags.

DO check out Kyle Field’s makeover. TAMU’s new pride and joy is ready to be admired. Scope it out before the first game because, well, why not. It may be hard to see the actual stadium with 100,000 plus fans screaming on game day.

DO NOT forget about school supplies. With all of the excitement and energy of Syllabus Week, it’s easy to forget about the star of the week: your syllabus. Which leads us to another tip. DO go to your first days of class. You never know what your professors are going to throw on you, and it’s best to take them head on.

DO splurge a little. You’ve been away from Fuego queso too long my friends, so now is not the time to save pennies during lunch. That will be important next week when you remember what it’s like to live on a college budget. If you’re not worried about burning a hole in your pocket quite yet them go for the gold and switch to Torchy’s queso.

DO NOT forget the Emergen-C. With allergies already having everyone in the dumps, the added festivities of syllabus week will not be helping your health. Whether it’s something a little stronger or just a really great collection of herbal teas. You’ll need something to nourish your body during the first few weeks amongst the pollen and the parties.

DO get back on that coffee grind. Sure, there are some people who swear that it’s bad for you, but we choose to ignore them and only look at the good: it keeps you up and it keeps you focused.

DO NOT wait in line at the MSC bookstore. Order your books ahead of time or scan Amazon for a cheaper find. Whichever way you go, opt for shipping your returned books back at the end of the semester to avoid the hour-long lines.

DO take advantage of Snapchat filters. With Snapchat on the rise, filters are popping up everywhere you go, on campus, around town, and even in Hollister at Post Oak. There’s nothing better than making your best snaps better with these fancy filters. Don’t like any of them? Submit your own!

DO NOT leave your room for food! You don’t have to! Take advantage of College Station’s delivery services, like Aggiefood, and become the hungry-hermit you’ve always wanted to be.

DO have fun. It is college after all! Yes, handle your responsibilities. Do your homework. Study for exams. But set aside some time to kick back or dive in to memory-forging festivities that Aggieland has to offer. Dixie Chicken anyone?

However you decide to spend your fall semester, stay safe and smart with these tips and tricks to surviving the migration back to BCS!