You may think that science and beer don’t mix, but it may be time to have another taste.

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 8, and again on June 12 at 6:30 p.m., and be ready to get hit with some science. Astronomy on Tap is a monthly event that takes place at local bars in a wide number of cities from coast to coast, and Bryan was recently added to the list. The event will be held at the Grand Stafford Theater, and speakers will include professional astronomers from Texas A&M. No need to be a science wiz, all you have to do is show up, grab a drink and be ready to have your mind blown.

Astronomy on Tap began in 2013 with the goal of merging the world of science with people who enjoy learning but don’t have time to drive to a lecture in the middle of a busy week. The organization has received rave reviews of how much presenters and attendees enjoy the low-key events. In the atmosphere of a bar, the formality disappears, and attendees are able to be themselves while being engaged in an exciting learning environment.

The evening typically spans over one and a half hours with a handful of educators or professionals who present short astronomy-related presentations, explain meanings behind certain vocabulary and introduce provoking thoughts. A time of questions, games, prizes and music is usually encompassed between the presentations. The presenters do an excellent job at meeting the attendees where they are, so there won’t be presentations that fly over your head.

Talk about a win-win! You get to learn interesting facts about astronomy that you can take home to friends and family, and the educators get to teach what they love to a wider audience. For an interactive learning environment that also allows you to chill over a beer, be sure to check out Astronomy on Tap!

And when someone asks you, “What’d you learn at Astronomy on Tap?” You can reply with, “No comet.”

Check out the Grand Stafford Theater website at for more info.