Calling all future Pablo Picassos and Frida Kahlos for an exciting art camp at The Children’s Museum of the Brazos Valley! Instead of having your walls covered in marker and finger paint, why not cover them in your child’s artwork from art camp?

June 24-28 kids aged 4 to 11 are invited to the “Express Yourself” camp where they will explore many different art forms from drawing and painting to performing arts. The goal of this camp boils down to two words, “fun” and “creativity.”

The Museum’s Educational Program Assistant, Christina Freeman, says that “fostering a child’s sense of creativity means improving his or her ability to problem solve, demonstrate higher-order thinking skills, and express emotions in a healthy manner.”

Creativity doesn’t always happen naturally, Freeman explains. “Like any other learned ability, children must practice thinking creatively in order to hone such a valuable skill.” For the last decade, the Museum has offered fun summer camps for kids to take a break after being in the focused structure of school. Freeman says, “After approximately 180 days spent focusing in the classroom, who wouldn’t want the opportunity to let loose, get messy, and allow one’s creative juices to flow freely? In the words of the legendary Ms. Frizzle, we can’t wait to ‘take chances, make mistakes, [and] get messy!’”

Freeman continues by saying, “We hope our campers walk away with a better sense of themselves and their unique giftings, as well as the ability to express these many extraordinary qualities and talents.”

Camp is from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. But for those working parents, for an additional fee, early drop-off begins at 8:00 a.m. and late pick-up ends at 5:30 p.m.

The Children’s Museum summer camps cost $150 a week for Standing Ovation Level CMBV Members, $200 for Clapping Hands members and non-members, and offers a daily rate of $50 per day.

Registration ends Friday, June 21, so get your child signed up before it’s too late! For more information and to register for the camp, call 979-779-5437 or visit