After the death of her husband and renowned “American sniper” Chris Kyle, Taya Kyle went through a time of pain and sorrow that threatened to never end. But through the encouragement of friends and family and writing about her grief, she began to heal, and realized that sharing her journey from loss and sorrow to pride and courage could benefit others. She now travels the country, speaking about her experiences. On May 23, The George and Barbara Bush Foundation will host author Taya Kyle to speak about her newly released book, American Spirit: Profiles in Resilience, Courage, and Faith.  

Kyle’s willingness to face that tragedy and speak about it  has led others across America to share their own journeys with her. In American Spirit, Kyle tells her own story but also gathers the stories of others she has met who have faced incredible losses and beaten the odds. American Spirit: Profiles in Resilience, Courage, and Faith gathers together the stories of over 30 individuals from all walks of life that have overcome adversity and suffering by doing extraordinary things for their communities and the nation.

Gather your friends and family for an event that is sure to inspire. Start the evening with the reception beginning at 5 p.m. followed by the program at 6:00 at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center. Admission to the event is free, but seats are limited! Reservations can be made by calling 979-862-2251, emailing, or online. For more information, visit: