We love the fall season! It’s full of friends, family, food and good ‘ole Aggie Football.

Living in the BCS area, there is so much to be thankful for. When out of towners visit, they say things like, “There’s something different about this place, good different” and, “Everyone is so gosh darn friendly.” Maybe it’s something in the water?

It’s safe to say that BCS is one of the friendliest cities in our great state of Texas. When you’re in a pickle, whether it’s needing a jump or a bit of change to cover the bill, there’s sure to be help not far off.

Mel and Bradley McCormick say they are thankful for living in BCS because they feel they are part of the community and are always included, Mel adds, “We don’t think you can find that just anywhere.” You most definitely can’t.

Another way Aggieland stands out is how diverse it is. BCS is quite the potluck of wonderful families from all cultures. That, in and of itself, is something to be thankful for. How many small cities can say they have a world of cultures within their city limits? And it doesn’t hurt to have a number of excellent ethnic restaurants. Bryanite Elaine Kroll says she has a hard time choosing her favorite.

We’re all familiar with the saying, “Aggies Help Aggies.” Doesn’t that say something about our town? Whether you’re a student, an Aggie alum, or you just know an Aggie, we’re all here to serve and help each other out in any way we can. We grow together, not apart. Newlyweds Matt and Madison Meron say they are thankful for the community they’ve found, more specifically among people who have helped them grow spiritually in their relationship with God. In their words, “We have found a lot of freedom here in BCS.” How many places can say the same?

There are likely many things here that we see as normal, but as soon as we leave BCS, we realize how different things truly are. There is no such thing as a stranger in Aggieland. Everyone is family here. There’s no guarantee that in other cities, someone will lend you their umbrella or pick you up on your way to work, but here in Aggieland, those things are like amenities—they come with living here. So as we gather our families this holiday season, let’s give thanks—BCS style—for all the times others in our town have shared our load, lent a hand, and welcomed us into their hearts.