As Valentine’s Day gets closer, most couples plan to go out and most singles plan to stay in with friends, pizza, and movies. However, if you are looking to do something different this year and ditch the florist line, Brazos Valley has just the thing.

The American Heart Association presents its annual, elite black tie Heart Ball on February 11 with this year’s theme, “White… The New Red.” Spotlighting various Association members and local business affiliates, the Ball strives to raise awareness for cardiovascular disease and its prevention. The event was brought to the Brazos Valley 22 years ago and has also been held in other parts of the country for quite some time.

The Association also focuses on other similar cardiovascular conditions, including blood pressure management, blood sugar control and a healthier diet. By advocating for prevention toward such issues, The Heart Ball unifies the community and promotes philanthropic ideas in professionals and youths alike.

“Research, education and outreach are the backbone to the AHA’s mission of building healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke,” Brittany Cervantes, Corporate Marketing Director, said.

The event will also allow for networking amongst professionals and prospective specialists in the field. With volunteer opportunities during the Ball, the AHA continues to support and appreciates local help.

“We want people to know and change the fact that for the first time in modern history, children born today are expected to have a shorter lifespan than their parents because of the decreased activity level and high amounts of sugar intake,” Cervantes said.

The Ball will be held at the Miramont Country Club in Bryan at 6pm, beginning with a cocktail reception. The auction will be held at 8:45, followed by dessert and dancing, and auction items have been posted online, at the Brazos County AHA Heart Ball website. Registration, donation and volunteer links are also online.

This Valentine’s Day, stand out from the crowd, forget the candy hearts and make an impact in the community. Join fellow young professionals and cardiovascular specialists in making a difference and shaping the future of heart health.