Christmas is a time for family. It is great to have everyone gathered around, spending time with each other and making memories to last a lifetime. But sometimes, some family members just make life difficult. “Daddy’s Home 2” shows just how difficult it can get in the Sean Anders directed film starring Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg.

The movie picks up with Dusty (Wahlberg) and Brad (Ferrell) working well together as “co-dads,” even going as far as being best friends. However, tension still exists between the two men, and all that comes to blow when Dusty and Brad’s dads, played by Mel Gibson and John Lithgow respectively, show up for Christmas. Chaos is an understatement for what occurs at this blended Christmas gathering.

The cast delivered solid performances all around. Ferrell once again brings his classic comedic charm, which helps a script that could have gone south. While the story isn’t complex, there are many subplots, almost too many. Between dealing with their dads, their kids, their step kids and themselves, there is a lot to take in. Without Ferrell to be the funnyman and bring home the laughs, this movie could have flopped big time.

The fact of the matter is that comedies of this nature are not intended to win awards or be thought provoking. They are designed to be entertaining, relaxing and heartwarming. This film delivers on that promise, as laughs are abundant and hearts are left full. “Daddy’s Home 2” may not be the cleanest movie to see this season, but it makes up for the vulgarity with a lot of heart.