At the Queen Theatre on May 28th, viewers will be treated to a special screening of the documentary “The River and the Wall,” and they will be joined by special guest Jay Kleberg, the producer of and character in the film. “The River and the Wall” was created by Ben Masters, who studied wildlife biology at Texas A&M, and the film follows the journey of five friends (Masters and Kleberg included) as they traverse the borderland between Texas and Mexico on horses, boats, and bikes.

Masters, a proud conservationist, and his friends intended to document the remaining Texas wilderness before the often discussed border wall becomes a reality. While they aimed at first to explore how the wall would affect the environment, the film chronicles their journey as they unearth the human side of the immigration debate in the Rio Grande Valley. Following the film, the audience will be joined by Kleberg for a special Q&A session. Kleberg is currently the Associate Director for Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation and has worked for decades with various conservation and travel organizations, so his wisdom on the subject matter seems especially relevant.

If you’re interested in a thoughtful piece of documentary filmmaking produced and directed by an Aggie, don’t miss this evening at the Queen.

For more information, go to