Ring day is among us again, which means hundreds of happy Aggies are blissfully waiting to receive their own little piece of gold. Like always, we want to fill you in with the best tips to make sure Ring Day goes smoothly.

Be sure to show up to your reserved time slot fifteen minutes early, though there’s really no point in showing up any earlier than that because the group before you will still be taking up the line space. The good ol Aggie engineers have figured out the best possible way to funnel hundreds of Ags through the Association of Former Student’s doors. So have faith in the process. And if you miss your time, there’s a “remake” time every hour for those of us who are always running just a touch behind schedule.

Next, don’t forget your ring ticket along with two forms of identification, which can be a driver’s license, a student ID, a passport, or a ring receipt. You can also bring along mom, dad, a few cousins, and the rest of your extended family, but remember to stay together because they will all need to be with you to enter.

Once you’re there, feel free to buy a ring day shirt for $20 to commemorate the event, or just hold onto your Ring Day fan. There will be free Slovacek sausage, along with purchasable bottled water and Coke products. Once you’ve got your coveted Aggie gold, make sure you get a picture in front of the giant ring, bus 12, or any of the other amazing props that will be stationed around the fountain.

Last step: check out the Career Counseling booth for job advice because now that you’ve earned your ring, you’re almost in the real world!

With Texas A&M continuously growing, each ring day brings in more and more people. That being said, it’s hard to hit up some of College Station’s most famous spots to eat during those crowded weekends. We recommend trying out some great finds in Bryan to avoid the crowds, such as Mr. G’s pizza or the Proudest Monkey. And don’t forget to make a reservation! Get your gold, and gig ‘em.







