60x60_Dance_2011_logo   Sixty minutes. Sixty art pieces.

The Academy of Visual and Performing Arts is putting on 60×60, where sixty one-minute musical compositions will be partnered with works by Texas A&M students and faculty from theatre, dance and visual art. That’s right: a new composer, a new choreographer and new actor and/or new artist each minute for sixty minutes. The idea is maddening, overwhelming and most of all exciting at the same time.

This kind of performance was first put on in 2003 by Robert Voisey and has grown ever since, with performances taking place everywhere from Germany to Argentina, and now College Station. The idea was first conceived as a way to showcase new composers and their music, which has since presented thousands of composers – not to mention actors, dancers and performers – to the world since it began. Texas A&M plans to put their own spin on the project by presenting the university’s own talent.

Mark your calendars for October 27 at 7:00pm. Tickets are on sale and priced at $12 for the public and $7 for students.