One of the most well-known bands in the modern rock genre, A Day to Remember (ADTR), dropped their sixth album on September 2 with little hype leading up to the release.

The band changed their writing and recording process but stuck to their signature sound of mixing pop punk choruses with post-hardcore breakdowns. Although the writing experience was opposite from their previous albums, they managed to achieve the same sound their fans know and love.

On previous ADTR albums, the band wrote songs in their free time while on tour. When writing “Bad Vibrations,” the band stayed in a cabin and wrote, reviewed, and mixed the entire album together. “Bad Vibrations” is an album for those who enjoy modern rock music and are looking for an album on the heavier side that also features catchy choruses. If A Day to Remember is already a band you love or even if you are just looking for some new and different music, this album is the one for you.