With the free HQ Trivia app, you can test your otherwise useless knowledge in a live game of trivia that hosts millions of people each day. Not only is it fun, but you could win a real cash prize if you trivia knowledge measures up.

When it’s trivia time, a live video begins in which a host gives an entertaining introduction to HQ Trivia. The game averages 1 million players each round, and there are two rounds each day. A timer adds pressure and a competitive edge to the game, and people are eliminated after each question. In order to win, you must answer all questions correctly.

Once the round of twelve questions, each timed at ten seconds, is over, all winners split the cash prize and that amount is deposited into each person’s Paypal account.

This is easily one of the most fun and quique gaming apps available for mobile devices. Tune in every day at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Test your knowledge and win free money!