You know that expensive sweater you wore a couple times but now sits in your closet, unworn? I bet you wish there was a way someone else could enjoy it as you intended. Well, there is! Poshmark is an app that allows anyone to buy and sell their clothing and shoes, quick and easy and for the price you pick.

After downloading the app and creating an account, you are able to personalize your profile and add as many listings as you’d like. Let’s say you have a pair of gently used Nike tennis shoes still in pristine condition. Just post them at your prefered value and then wait for someone to buy. It’s that simple. When someone buys something from you, just pop it in a box, (any box will work), print off the provided shipping label and send it on its way!

Poshmark has been active since 2011 and is headquartered in Redwood, CA. Approximately four million people nationally sell with Poshmark, and some people even label this as their full time job. The site was created to sell clothing, shoes, jewelry, swimsuits, bags and accessories. It’s best to sell only these items, as people come to this app looking for these specific products. You can sell used or new, and you can bargain for a lower price.

With over 25 million items to search through on the app and 5,000 brands, you may not only find yourself as a seller but a buyer, too. You can find some killer deals through the app. Be sure to do a little digging before buying something full price at a department store. It might seem overwhelming to try to hunt through all the choices, but Poshmark has set it up to narrow your search for you. When you are creating your profile, you can input your favorite brands, and when on your primary search feed, those brands will pop up without your having to sift through thousands of items you don’t like.

The app also has something called Style Parties that occur in a certain location in the app for a set amount of time. Style Parties are when specific brands are sold in one space to allow the seller or buyer a direct link to someone looking for a certain product.

To prevent people from selling things that don’t match the description, the buyer is able to rate the item when received. Therefore, if something is not what you expected, you can rate it low, and this will show up publicly on the seller’s end.

Something to be aware of is that in this crazy world we live in, there are always people trying to cheat the system. Make sure to take photos of what you’re sending as you package it up for your defense in case someone attempts to say it is not as described. It’s good to be cautious.

What are you waiting for? Download the app today and become a true Posher!