Dating is hard. Online dating was supposed to help, but honestly, it’s made things more complicated. Tinder, Bumble and the like have made it almost impossible to get your personality across. Instead it’s all visual. And what little we can write about ourselves in those spaces gives very little insight into who we are.

Enter a new and unique dating app: Waving. In the app, users upload audio recordings of themselves instead of selfies and professional headshots. You can talk about yourself in a way that fits your personality. It’s often hard to portray yourself through the written word, mostly because tone is decided often decided by the reader and not the writer.

Waving also enforces the old saying of “don’t judge a book by its cover.” With those other apps, you can design the perfect cover for your book, but those pages may be shallow and underwhelming. On the flip side, one bad photo and you pages may never be read. With Waving, users get the story first, then the cover. While both play an important role in attraction, we often overlook personality when physical attributes don’t meet our standards.

Waving is pretty straightforward and easy to use. The same basic principles apply for approving other users; swipe left for no and right for yes. But getting to hear and understand someone will probably create more rewarding relationships in the long run, which sets Waving apart from the other apps.