If you’re a student here in the B-CS area, then you are most definitely living through the first round of exams right now; it’s like being on vacation, right? No worries; we know that it’s no walk in the park and comes with sleepless nights and too much stress.  With the weekend knocking at the back door, there is a huge need for relaxation!

Typically, going to bed early and sleeping until noon on Saturday is a great remedy for a long week, but if you’re looking for something different, here are some ideas:

Northgate: An almost obvious way to relieve the stress and a perfect one, too, since it is right down the road from almost anywhere you might live. Start at the Dixie Chicken for dinner and a pitcher, and then make your way around to Social or Gatsby’s!

Road trips: A sure fire way to distress that also brings new adventures, discoveries, and memories. So many small towns surround College Station and almost any of them have good eats, shops, and sights to explore!

Aggie Baseball: What better way to spend a Friday night than by supporting the boys on the field? No matter your favorite sport, the baseball games are a sure way to end your long, dreary week and kick off a weekend full of fun!

Netflix: Just want to stay in and catch up on the sleep you’ve probably missed out on for at least the last four nights? Click on an oldie but goody like “FRIENDS” or “How I Met Your Mother” and cuddle up for a long snooze.

These are just a few possible cures to the ever-dreaded test week; let us know how you cure the study blues by commenting below or tweeting us at: MaroonWeekly.