STATESBORO REVUE   by Annabeth Reeb

Statesboro Revue was formed in 2007 when lead singer Stewart Mann picked up and headed to Austin in search of his sound. He brought together a band of five; Todd Laningham and Will Knaak on guitar, Rob Alton on Bass, and Beau Wadely on the drums. The group sought out for the makings of a groovy, danceable sound.

“I wanted something people could move their feet to,” Mann explained.

With his new band and their music-inspired home in Austin, Statesboro Revue did just that.

Mann gets a lot of his songs and sound from the influence of those he listens to. Even his band name, Statesboro Revue, came from a favorite of his. The Almann Brothers—one of man’s all-time favorite bands—covered a song by Blind Willie McTell that was about “Statesboro,” which happens to be the name of a town in Georgia.

“I didn’t know when I first chose the album name, but since then we’ve had so many people ask us if we’re from Statesboro Georgia,” Mann said.

The second part of the song is spelled Revue to avoid the misinterpretation of being a magazine or newspaper. Even so, the band has received many emails about posting things in their newspaper, Statesboro “Review.”

So, no folks, they aren’t from Georgia and they aren’t a newspaper. Statesboro Revue just released a new album, “Junkhouse Revival,” in August with Gordy Quist and Scott Davis of the Austin-based band, Band of Heathens. The album has a deeper country sound than other releases that Statesboro Revue has produced, which Mann suggests is due to the music he been frequenting at the time of its production.

“Subconsciously, I think, my songs are always a product of what I’m listening to at the time. Whatever I write is a usually a product of what I’m listening to and consuming myself with at the time. I was listening to a lot of older country stuff.”

Mann credits his Junkhouse Revival sound to older artists such as Waylon, Merle Haggard, JJ Cale, and Jim Croce.

“It wasn’t intentional, it just happens,” Mann continued.

The band just finished filming a music video for their single “Undone,” the first video for their most recent songs.

“We’re really excited about it,” man said. “There are a lot of great things coming.”

This is also Statesboro Revue’s first professionally done music video.

“It was great having professionals guide you and tell you what to do. It’s a totally different ballgame,” Mann said.

Their first music video was for their song, “Huck Finn.”

“That one was a lot of fun; it was mostly us just hanging out by the river. Pretty typical.”

Along with filming a brand new music video, Statesboro Revue just returned from their second international tour. The band traveled for two months, doing 37 shows in 60 days.

“It was absolutely unreal,” Mann explained. “We got a really good response from all of the countries. I think people are really spoiled here; they can get music whenever they want it. They appreciate it a lot more over there.”

Although the music video will be of their song, “Undone,” there are other favorites in the album as well. We asked Mann if he had a favorite song to preform form his newest album.

“Tallahassee,” Mann responded. “I wrote that one with Adam Hood. We usually close the show with that one; it’s always a crowd pleaser.”

Mann graduated from Texas A&M himself, so his show in Aggieland won’t be a new experience for him.

“We’re playing with a few friends during this show, so everyone will have to step up their game. We love a little friendly competition.”

Statesboro Revue will be playing alongside Whiskey Myers and William Clark Green.

“It will be one giant jam session,” Mann added.

We asked him if he had a favorite spot to frequent in College Station.

“When I was in school I would always hang out at Dudley’s Draw. So when I come in town for shows I usually make sure I go there. And the Chicken of course.”

Statesboro Revue will be playing at Hurricane Harry’s on Friday, October 16.