Calling every witch and wizard from lands high to low. Hop on your broom sticks and flock on over for a spooky October Sunday full of fantastical fun for everyone. From Purebloods, to Halfbloods, to full on Muggles, every beast and boy is welcome to join in!

On the enchanting afternoon of October 1, a magical experience like no other is popping up, right here in Aggieland. Blackwater Draw Brewery will be hosting a Worthwich Wand Making Class for all those dreaming of Hogwarts. In this workshop, the history of wand lore will be taught. Your little magic wielders will be taught about the varying types of wands, wand lengths, and of the importance of their wand’s core. From learning simple spells like Accio!, the summoning charm, to learning how to fight off dementors with a Patronus incantation, everyone who attends will be schooled in the art of witchcraft and wizardry.

With all materials and instructions provided, along with the guarantee of not a needing a magic wielding wood worker’s skill set, how could one resist? No prior wand crafting experience is needed, as everything is taught to the beholder. The magic lives inside all of us and this class will teach you how to discover it. Not to mention, it would be nice to know how to protect oneself from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!

Every wand is very different and your little ones will be able to custom design a wand to fit all of their fantastical needs. Engraved with their own writing and symbols, these wands will be dedicated to your kiddos so that they can go about with their magical play.

As of right now, this is a singularly occurring event, however, based on popularity, this event may take place again. This unique event can host up to 30 attendees of all ages. However, it is asked that a guardian stays if the child is under 14 years of age. And no, these adults do NOT need to purchase a separate ticket. However they are encouraged to relax while sipping on some Butterbeer. Single tickets run at $30, and there is an extra option for those special witchlings who just have to have the Quidditch wand stand or beautiful fabric holding box. All of these option may be purchased before the event on their website.