Do you use the Safe 2 Save app or have you eaten at Freebirds? You may be surprised to hear that these both find their roots right here in Aggieland!

If you’ve wondered what it might be like to begin your own startup, start planning now for next fall because this is the perfect program for you! Here’s how it works. Over three days, this semester Friday, April 5 through Sunday, April 7, students will go through the process of testing their ideas and building a business plan for startups they have been dreaming about with the goal of finding out how viable and valuable their ideas really are.

Friday evening will begin by forming teams, thinking up ideas and gaining feedback from the top-notch entrepreneurs and investors who fill a mentorship role throughout the weekend. Saturday will involve customer discovery, more mentorship, practice pitches, in-depth feedback and generation of a business model. The final day will be used to continue the execution of the businesses and give final pitches and demonstrations to the panel of mentors and the public.

Participants in 3 Day Startup will gain a number of valuable skills, tools and experiences. One of the values of this program is that it gives students networking opportunities, both with other Aggies and also with experienced mentors, which can make or break a startup business. And by giving students the opportunity to test out their new ideas while minimizing the risks, the event helps set them up for success, just in time for graduation.

The deadline to apply was March 20, but don’t fret if you missed it! The McFerrin Center hosts a 3 Day Startup event every semester. It’s never too early to begin brainstorming startup ideas. You’ve got plenty of time until next fall! Only Texas A&M students can apply to participate for this competitive program, and it is free of charge thanks to generous sponsors. If you’re looking to be a mentor, visit the 3 Day Startup website to begin the process.

If you have any other questions, visit the 3DS website at