You know what sucks about being an adult? The answer is not having show and tell, of course! Not getting the opportunity for that extra pat on the back, or a gold star for striving to go above and beyond with your life work. The adult world is so focused on the faults of others, that rarely are our everyday projects and work related accomplishments appreciated or presented for others to enjoy. Throughout our years of schooling, we are encouraged to share and present our ideas with our classmates and peers. However, nowadays there are practically no settings, with the exception of business related presentations, where people have the opportunity to display and show their work.

Pecha Kucha aims to change that. The organization facilitates presentations for local leaders to share their work. Think TED Talk, but with a more relaxed, open, and creative vibe added to it. Pecha Kucha night will be held later this month at the newly renovated Ice House on Main, located in the Downtown Historic District of Bryan. On Tuesday, September 26, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., the city of Bryan will host its first ever DARE themed Pecha Kucha night.

Pecha Kucha is the name of a simple presentation format where 20 images are automatically shown for 20 seconds. The guest, who could be any individual within your community, talking about virtually anything they wish, speaks along to those images for the allotted amount of time (about seven minutes total). Invented by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham architecture, Pecha Kucha has turned into a global movement that has come to impact more than nine hundred cities worldwide, by creating a night for coming together and celebrating one’s differences with their fellow community.

The  movement was started to encourage cities to open up public spaces, so that their citizens can safely gather and present themselves, and their work, in front of others. This night is here to encourage the creativity of others, and, to ensure the integrity of these informal gatherings, each Pecha Kucha night is run by one of the city’s appointed local organizers. These organizers have only an informal agreement with Pecha Kucha headquarters, which allows them to run the event with the spirit and integrity of the original Pecha Kucha, but also to tailor the event to each city’s specific needs and wants. This event was created in hopes of engaging the busy minds of those within our city, so that we all have easy access to safely and freely express ourselves.

A chapter of Pecha Kucha was established in Bryan, Texas in 2015. This unique night is hosted seasonally, occurring four times a year. Everyone is encouraged to participate and present, however it is suggested that you come and watch a PK night before presenting in one, just so that one can get a feel for the fast paced, and somewhat different, rhythm of the night. This upcoming Pecha Kucha night is extra special, because it is Bryan’s first ever themed night. This specific theme revolves around professional writing and literature. With five published and professional writers lined up to speak, this night is undoubtedly going to be a hit. Come on out and help us uncover the unexpected!

For individuals unlucky enough to miss this coming up Pecha Kucha, don’t fret! By visiting the presentations section in you can watch the presentations and learn more about this fast spreading and amazing movement.