
By Adrianna Zampieri

First observed by Texas in 1886, Arbor Day is a day to celebrate trees. It’s a day to educate about their importance to the environment and the benefits they offer, such as providing much-needed oxygen and keeping soil in place with their roots.

For 125 years, Texas has been celebrating the Texas State Arbor Day, and November 6 marks the 126th ceremony. Each year the event is held in a different city on the first Friday of November, and this year the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum of College Station will be acting as host.

During this event, local and state officials will add mulch around a freshly planted tree as a symbol of Arbor Day, and a group of volunteers will then plant an additional 40 trees in tribute to George H.W. Bush and his passing of the America the Beautiful Act back in 1990. The act was dedicated to the preservation of healthy urban forests.

This ceremony will also mark the last day of an exhibit, the “History in Making: Texas A&M Forest Service,” at the George Bush Presidential Library, which commemorates 100 years of service protecting the state’s environment and natural resources. The Texas State Arbor Day event will last from 10am through 2pm, so don’t miss out on taking a walk through the exhibit one last time.

There are many other ways to celebrate this day other than attending the official ceremony. Take a trip to a tree nursery and pick out a sapling to take home and plant in your own yard. Volunteer at a local organization committed to planting trees in the community. Take a few minutes out of the day to learn about trees, their function, and the different species; challenge your new knowledge with a hike as you attempt to recognize the names of the trees around you.



Arbor Day is a day for celebration and creating respect for the environment, so join in the festivities and learn something new.