Veronica Brady   Veronica Brady is a 21-year-old poet who has lived so many places she couldn’t tell you where she’s from. She’s found a home in Mic Check Poetry (located in Bryan) and has competed with the Mic Check 2015 Slam Team at Southern Fried Poetry Festival and The Red Stick Regional. An English major with an obsession with the X-files, Veronica loves eating, laughing, and laughing while she’s eating.Why is poetry important?

To me poetry is important because it is a form of expression. Spoken word specifically, gives voices to those that would otherwise feel silenced.

What makes a good poem?

Honest self-expression.

What inspires you?

Other forms of art, especially music, life events, other people talking about their own struggles/situations.

Who are some of your favorite poets?

Neil Hilborn, Nick Flynn, Megan Boyle.

What made you want to become a poet?

I’ve been writing my whole life. I started spoken word about a year ago when my best friend forced me to compete in a slam – this was the first time id ever read anything of my own on a stage. After he passed I felt like competing, doing well, meeting new poets, and continuing this art was one of the only ways to do him justice. I sometimes feel like poems that have nothing to do with him are still written for him. Its also very therapeutic for me. Expressing myself like this keeps me sane.

Where is your favorite place to write and why?

My back porch. My backyard backs up to a lot of land where there are horses and my dad set up a surround system so I can listen to music. Its relaxing and its a good place to clear my head and put it all on the page.

What are you reading right now?

IQ84 by Haruki Murakami, and No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July.

What advice do you have for aspiring poets?

Don’t give up dude. Keep telling people how you feel and always try to be honest in your writing. It really helps with being honest with yourself and others outside of writing.