Do you dream of running your own business some day? Have you got a side hustle going but are wondering how to take it to the next level? Are you already an entrepreneur running a small business? Then you won’t want to miss this fall’s stellar lineup of special programs and events at the McFerrin Center for Entrepreneurship.  

For Students:

3 Day Startup

Put on your track shoes if you want to participate in the 3 Day Startup program—an entrepreneurial marathon done at a sprint’s pace. 40 lucky students are chosen from the applications to participate in this weekend-long program designed to help them validate their business idea and present it at the end of the weekend. “It’s a great way for students to test their mettle or true passion for entrepreneurship,” says Stephanie Burns, Communications Coordinator at the McFerrin Center. If you want to dive into being an entrepreneur, 3 Day is the place to go.” Applications open September 10 and close September 24, but be sure not to miss the informational meeting for all students on September 19.

Raymond Ideas Challenge

What’s your big idea? Students from any major or college can submit their ideas to the Raymond Ideas Challenge program. “The challenge is about students dreaming big and finding out how they can impact the future,” Burns says. “We’re there to find the student with the most innovative, viable idea on campus.” The top 40 ideas are named finalists, and are presented to members of the business community—this year on December 6. Applications open on October 3 and close on October 23, so polish up that idea and make it shine.

For Aggie owned or led businesses:

Aggie 100

Also this fall is the center’s ceremony honoring the Aggie 100. “Recognizing the 100 fastest growing Aggie led or owned companies in the world, Aggie 100 is both a program and an event,” Burns says. “It’s one of the best opportunities for former students to be able to engage with current students who are interested in entrepreneurship.” Every year, companies are either nominated or self-nominated for a spot in the Aggie 100 and winners are recognized at an invitation-only dinner ceremony celebrating the entrepreneurial success of the Aggie family. Nominations for 2019 are open until May 31, 2019.

For BCS:

SEC Student Pitch Competition

If you’ve got any plans for October 8, cancel them. This year, the McFerrin Center is hosting the Southeastern Conference Student Pitch Competition at Kyle Field, where top graduate and undergraduate entrepreneurship teams from the 14 SEC universities will pitch their business ideas.  “Come watch the best pitchers duke it out,” says Burns. “The finals are open to the public, and it’s a really great way to show off the entrepreneurial ecosystem, not just at TAMU, but in Bryan College Station. We’ve got very high level judges evaluating not only students with crazy ideas but viable businesses that will be changing their fields.”

McFerrin Methods

Also not to be missed are the McFerrin Methods workshops. These free events occur throughout each semester and are available to students, staff, faculty, and the community. “It’s a two part event,” says Burns, “where we bring in a guest speaker on a certain topic. The first half is listening to the speaker, the second half is networking over light refreshments.” The events are from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the MSC. Upcoming dates and topics: September 18, Art of the Side Hustle; October 2, Finding Your Idea; November 1, Tapping into the “Crowd.” RSVP for SEC Pitch Competition or any McFerrin Methods workshops here.