1. Rearrange your dorm, apartment or house

The first step of spring cleaning is to organize your living space. Whether it is a single dorm or a four-person house, rearranging furniture and de-cluttering the area can be refreshing. It also helps uncover lost socks and misplaced dollar bills. Pinterest has some helpful ideas for rearranging furniture in tight spaces.

2. Donate or sell unused clothes

For women, spring cleaning usually begins with the closet. Going through all the hangers and drawers is the best way to separate unworn or outgrown clothes. It also helps separate sweaters and leg warmers to take back to mom’s house or store till next winter.

3. Sell old or unused books

A popular upperclassmen household issue is a collection of books that has been piling up since freshman year. Many stores in the Bryan-College Station area buy back books, along with online stores, including chegg.com and the BookScouter app that won’t totally rip you off.

4. Clean out the pantry

The kitchen is another source of clutter in houses and apartments. The most efficient way to begin cleaning is to dispose of expired products and separate those about to expire. The back of the fridge or freezer also typically contains forgotten food items. Be sure to isolate products that are clean from those that have changed colors.

5. Social media

Spring cleaning is not only for household errands; it also takes the form of technology when you clean your social media closets. Are there Facebook “friends” you haven’t spoken to since high school? Or middle school photos you never want your future employer to see? Deleting and redoing profiles make is simpler to go through your phone every morning.

Another step in uncluttering social media profiles is updating LinkedIn and other professional profiles. Doing so can help potential employers and coworkers view your professional qualifications.

6. Take care of yourself

This step may come as one that is usually not mentioned in the list of spring cleaning tips. However, Rejuvenating yourself is just as important as redoing the house. Devise a new workout plan. Find ways to improve your sleeping habits. Catch up with old friends. Reviving your health and body needs to be a priority to start a new season.

Wrap up your semester a cleaner and more organized you.